A report on JoomlaDay Russia 2014
This hot summer brought us a great event: JoomlaDay Russia 2014 which became the first ever official event endorsed by OSM. JoomlaDay took place in Moscow coworking center on 26th of June and became some sort of a landmark event that brought Russian community to a new level.
It was so cool to see active members of Russian Joomla community who have known each other for years and finally got a chance to meet in real life at the official JoomlaDay event! There were about 20 speakers from Russia, Gev from Armenia and a special guest Sarah Watz - the president of OSM from Sweden! Symbolically, but that Moscow event was the first official JoomlaDay where Sarah participated as an official OSM representative.
A few words about the venue. The event was held in the coworking center which was divided into tree spacious areas – the first one was used for registration, the second area was used for coffee breaks and meetings and the third one was used for its direct purpose – presentations. I was surprised with a nice and friendly environment that was created by the special atmosphere of the 2nd relaxing area designed like anti-café with comfortable sofas and tables where visitors could enjoy free breakfast and wi-fi and prepare for the official opening.
So, the event started at 11 a.m. with the opening speech from Artem Lebsak - one of the main organizers of JoomlaDay. Then, the microphone was taken by Alexey Shishkin (joomla.ru) who continued the greeting speech, and finally, he was replaced by Sarah Watz who gave a great 30-minute presentation. Then a lot of speakers presented their reports, among which were such well-known persons like: Gev Balyan from Bang2Joom, Denis Ryabov (MobileJoomla), Vadim Kunitsyn from Joomline and etc. Also your humble servant represented RoundTheme club with two reports. :-)
The program was quite intensive and was divided into several parts. I will omit the details of the official part and presentations (you may read detailed report from JoomlaDay here) and move on to describing the entire moments and atmosphere. All visitors had a lunch with free food and drinks during breaks. Btw, special tasty lunch was a kind of surprise! Everyone could treat themselves with energetic drink distributed by attractive girls and take a part in competitions. Have a look at the JoomlaDance in action :-)
The main goal of an event was successfully reached - everyone could communicate, talk, ask questions and make new contacts, Joomla was introduced to newbies while professionals could learn about new features and extensions, so we really felt what Joomla slogan means: We’re all together!
The organization was on a highest level - good sound, light, big projector, video recording, translator for foreign guests and entire friendly atmosphere. On behalf of RoundTheme I’d like to say huge thanks to Artem Lebsak and Anastasia Belostotskaya - the organizers who made this great event possible!
Those, who missed JoomlaDay Russia this year, we’re surely awaiting for the next year!