Kunena and Acymailing templates discontinued
The existing conception of RoundTheme is known for many years and during 6 years we provided templates for 3rd party extensions. It was really cool time and a good experience, thousands of users got our solutions and still use it, but... Sooner or later, there are new tendencies and challenges and we need to move forward.
After a long debates, we decided to discontinue templates for Kunena, AcyMailing and Apps for ZOO.
- Kunena templates. The top products of RoundTheme. The main reason of why we stopped the development is Kunena structure and numerous front-end frameworks used in Joomla templates - BS2, BS3, BS4, Uikit2, Uikit3 and so on. It is too difficult to provide a universal solution and keep the template up-to-date since there are a lot of changes inside the Kunena which need to be ported into the template after almost every release.
- AcyMailing templates. When AcyMailing 6 was released, there is no sense to support templates made for the previous version 5.x. AcyMailing 6.x is a stable product and comes with in-built template constructor.
- Apps for ZOO. An experimental line of products is also got its end of life.
The products listed above are no longer available to buy or to download and soon will be removed from the site. Now there are templates for JComments available.
Is it an end for RoundTheme? We say: No! :-)
As we said: the new tendencies requires new approach and we are working on a new line of products and on website revamping. We will keep it in secret for now, but we hope you will be surprised.
A new conception of RoundTheme will come soon!