Kunena 4.0 is released

Kunena 4.0 is released

By Eugene Sivokon Thursday, 11 June 2015

At last the long awaited 4th version of Kunena was finally released and that took more than two years. The development team has done a lot of code refactoring, implemented improvements and created a new Bootstrap 2 native template.

What’s new in Kunena 4?

Templating. A new template was completely overwritten and now has responsive design by default. It’s integrated with Bootstrap 2. Also the new version of Kunena has backward compatibility with templates for Kunena 3.

Documentation. Developers promised to update the documentation section during this month.

Add-ons. All native Kunena plugins and modules were updated. You must download a new installation package and install it over existing to keep up its compatibility with new Kunena 4. There are also changes in localisation package.

Another major improvement is complete Mootools replacement with JQuery. Media manager got new drag-n-drop feature for files uploading.

The migration can be done as usual - you just need to install the package over existing Kunena component and it will be updated.

Important note! All RoundTheme templates that were made for Kunena 3 will work with Kunena 4 without any problem, so you can take any our theme and use it with the latest Kunena version.

Yesterday Kunena 4.0.1 has been released. This released includes minor bug-fixes. Official announce.

Eugene Sivokon

Executive manager, web developer, and Joomla enthusiast. He has been a part of and worked in many of the major web development roles over his 11 years, taking on various projects. Personal site: eugenesivokon.com

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