Kunena 3.0.6 is released (security release!)

Kunena 3.0.6 is released (security release!)

By Eugene Sivokon Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Warning! Kunena 3.0.6 is security release that contains important fix of SQL injection and XSS vulnerability of all previous Kunena 3.x versions. So, you need to update Kunena forum to latest 3.0.6 version asap.

Big update and new color sets for templates

By Eugene Sivokon Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Big update and new color sets for templates

We decided to enhance existing themes, made it more attractive and show how it can be used in different styles, so all RoundTheme templates got 5 additional color presets. Template chooser element was changed and now looks more attractive/pretty with new UI. All template quick starts were updated to Joomla 3.3.1 and Kunena 3.0.5 versions to keep up with security.

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