Kunena templates update: fixed issues and new features
This month we did a great job on improving our Kunena templates. First of all, we’ve fixed minor issues in all templates, made some changes in Korder and added some new features in all themes.
What common issues were fixed:
- Users with different privileges (user, moderator, admin) have the same color.
- Active page element is not highlighted in page navigation
- Duplication of “amount of views” element when adding “My Topics” menu item
- Fixed Notice: Undefined variable: stylescss
New features
Color Picker. As you probably know, all RoundTheme templates for Kunena are configurable via back-end where you may chance fonts, colors and etc. That’s nice to make quick adaptation of styles according to website needs, but you had to input hexadecimal number to change the color of elements. To make it easy we have improved the functional and added color picker. Now you may choose desired color from back-end in few clicks.
New back-end params. Now you may set up colors for Administrator, Global moderator, Moderator, User, Guest, Banned user, Blocked user, Offline and Online status. That’s important when you want to configure colors according to your website design.

Slogin support. In previous blog articles we did the survey on how to make social authentication on Joomla using Slogin component. Social networks became a standard nowadays and going into trend, thus we have implemented support of SLogin component. Now all Kunena templates from RoundTheme display Slogin authentication module in Kunena user panel. Just publish Slogin module in slogin position and it’ll be displayed in Kunena templates.
Korder template
There are some improvements on Korder template what were made additionally to common issues fixing. Here is a changelog for Korder:
# Fixed issues with buttons while creating new post and some issues with another buttons within forum template $ Fixed missed translation of “Mark all topic read” button for non-English sites. # Added a margin for sub-navigation in categories header. + Avatars got into rounded style corners to correspond to main design.
Template update process
Before update process, please, make an backup of current template and note that template files and its settings will get overwrite, so you have configured template in Kunena back-end, all these settings will be lost (params.ini file will be overwritten), so you need to configure it again. Also if you made some fixes in template files, all these changes may be lost. Please take it in mind and care about pre-save settings.
All quick-start packages were updated to actual CMS Joomla 3.3.6 and Kunena 3.0.6 versions for security reasons. We’re working hard on improving our products and keep up its quality on its best way.